Thursday, January 29, 2009


I haven't put myself out there business-wise since November and haven't even picked up my camera much since then. I hit a creative wall. It was time to get back to it so while I am revamping everything, I started looking for a new subject. Lucky for me, my baby brother just got engaged and they wanted to do photos before he goes to bootcamp next month. We spent 8 hours together, most of it spent walking, and got to try knew stuff. It was so great to have a willing subject! Anyway, my point is that when you get in a slump, take a break to regroup if you need it and then try something new. Whether it's off-camera flash, a new location, a new post-processing technique, or even just a different time of day. Here's a few of my faves:

Kayla Renckly


Unknown said...

Very nice photos!

Emily said...

I really like the elevator shot! What a cool idea!

Stefanie said...

Awesome job girly! Way to step out of the box! I love them all!

~Carole Marie Farmen said...

Kayla, these are so beautiful!!