Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What makes a photo perfect?

That is a question I have asked myself a hundred times.....What makes a picture perfect? Is it the lighting, the smile the environment? Everyone of us might have a different answer for this, but for me I think the answer is, why does it have to be perfect? Life is far from perfect so why do our pictures always have to be perfect? If it makes your heart smile then that should be good enough, right? Of course there are exceptions, for example, doing shoots for clients, you don't want them to be blurry, underexposed or overexposed, ect. But sometimes I think we (well I do anyways) always think that every picture has to be perfect. I for one need to work on this & just remember that we are learning all the time and not to get frustrated if you don't get that perfect shot! Just be grateful that we will have these memories for the rest of our lives & our children's lives!

I thought I would share a couple of pictures of my little ones! I hope you enjoy!!

1 comment:

April Alcorn said...

Summer I would LOVE to know what processing you did on your last couple shots!!! These are gorgeous!!! You always have great work girl!