Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Blogging and Facebook

I am so anxious to get a blogroll on here so we can see when each other updates their blogs and we can comment on them. I just posted some icy cactus pictures that I took a while ago. I'm trying to blog once a week, but if I don't have sessions, I can't think of interesting things to blog about. Any suggestions? Here are the cactus.

I've loved my blog, but I don't seem to get the traffic that I want on it. I've had a facebook account for a while, and added some seniors I did portraits of last year, but didn't quite know how to utilize it. I spent the majority of my evening last night setting up a Business page off of my facebook page. I've heard tons of photographers get lots of traffic through facebook because you can tag your client with pictures and it shows up in their accounts and sends traffic back to your account. If anyone wants to see it (and become a fan) it is here. My biz Facebook

I am doing the Senior Rep thing for the first time. Late in the year, but I am photographing 3 girls next week in hopes that I'll get Senior Sessions in March and April from them.

**Edited to add, I just bought this Senior Solutions Guide. It's on sale through the 16th. Haven't looked through all of it, but its great for marketing to seniors, and posing ideas, etc.


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