Sunday, January 11, 2009

[rfp]-When life hands you lemons......

Take pictures!

Today we had even more snow and the snowflakes were so pretty I couldn't help but reach for my camera and my macro lens.









Tara Lyn said...

Those are flipping amazing! I'm going to have to try that. What is the background, is it nighttime?

Tiffany Lense said...

Thanks! I used a black pillowcase for the background. I spread it out on our deck and sat down to peek at all the beauties that fell from the sky. :)

Heather Georger said...

Tiffany these are AWESOME!!!! Wow! Nice job!

Unknown said...

Wow Tiffany.. I have never actually seen a photo of snowflakes up close like that. They are so neat! Your photos are awesome!

Deene Souza Photography said...

WOW! I've never seen snowflakes like that! I thought they only looked like that when you cut them out of paper. AMAZING!

Emily said...

These are amazing! What lens did you use?

Julie Cook Portraits said...

wow, these are amazing. I am always in awe of real weather.... we dont get that here in Phx. AZ

Tiffany Lense said...

Thanks for all the compliments ladies! They were fun to shoot....I'd been meaning to do it for a while but finally had time where I was dressed for the cold weather (I had just been out playing with my 2 year old) and the baby was happy with daddy. I shoot Canon and while I have a 5D, I used my Xti and the 100mm macro lens for these to get the little extra reach and better IQ for such tiny little things.

Unknown said...

Those are amazing!!

Kyla Branch said...

That 100 macro is next on my list. Thanks for giving me more reasons why I want it!

♥ Leia Everett-Reeves ♥ said...

Ditto on reason why I NEED THIS LENS!!!! I have it on my list, but now it WILL be mine!

THESE SHOTS ROCK!!! ohmygosh im just in awwwww

Leia Reeves

Anonymous said...

Love these - the first time I saw snow flakes I could not believe they really look like that. It still is a surprise to see it on the screen. Awesome shots!

Tiffany Lense said...

Thanks again everyone!

Lol at Kyla and Leia....this lens is AWESOME!! Plus, it can double as a portrait lens so it's win-win. I'm so glad I got it!

Rhonda said...

Way Awesome!

EC said...

holy. moley. UNBELIEVABLE!!!