Thursday, January 8, 2009

Challenge yourself

2 years ago we went to the air show and I took my camera. It was full sun and full of fast moving planes and a lot of reflecting metal. I don't think I came home with one salvageable photo. This summer I went back and was more prepared. It happened to be almost the same weather conditions. I had studied taking photos in full sun and learned how to up my shutter speed to capture fast moving objects. I just wanted to post a sample of some of the photos from that day. I was so proud of myself when I got home and almost all the photos were usable. I had given myself the challenge that the following year would be different and it was.



Cori said...

I love your black and white conversion!! What method do you use?

Anonymous said...

Those are gorgeous and I think they are best in that dirty b&w you did! Great job!!!!!!!

Rhonda said...

We love air shows around here! Love the pics!

Tara Lyn said...

Thanks so much. I actually used a moody black and white action and tweaked it to my liking. I was hoping someone else would understand the look I was going for.

Stefanie said...

Looks awesome!