Friday, January 9, 2009

Playing catchup.......

I'm sure i'm not alone here.... I always find myself wanting to go out and get more great shots and try new ideas etc etc... The problem is that I come home dump the images on my hard drive and there they sit. I will usually go in and play with a few images if i'm super excited about them but almost always I end up having some great images that go unedited, unprinted and they just sit on my computer waiting for ME!!! My big goal for this year is to open up at least a few files EVERYDAY and do quick simple edits and clean out my computer of all the stuff I know I will never print or need to save. I'm SO backlogged!!!! So i've been doing edits everyday, trying to catch up!! And sadly i'm editing from last summer, even more sad is how much further back I could go on the desktop PC!!! I'm sure i'll never get entirely caught up but hopefully i'll make some headway this year!!! Maybe we should all work on going through our old files a little each day??

Here's my Daughter Madilynn, taken LAST summer 4th of July....

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