Tuesday, January 6, 2009

List of Tutorials, Actions, Brushes, Textures and More

I got bored with my logo and went on a search for inspiration and resources to create a new one. As usual, my ADD struck again and I wandered all over the place, but I came across a great list compiled of tutorials, actions, brushes, textures and other great resources over at noupe.com There were a few sites I already knew about but a lot more that I didn't. I still have no idea how I got there but I'm glad I did!

**Remember-Look at the Terms of Use (TOU) to see how you are allowed to use them. Some will say use them as you please as long as you give credit or don''t claim as your own. Others will say personal use only which means you can not use them in any way for your business. If you aren't sure, contact the creator and ask them; some just want to know how they will be used and others may want a small fee for a commercial usage license. It's not worth trying to get away with it, people have a way of finding out!**

Kayla Renckly


Unknown said...

Wow! What a great list! I bookmarked it. Thanks!

Heather Georger said...

Did your quest lead you to a new logo? Thanks for the great link!