Saturday, January 3, 2009

Emily Steele Photography - Columbia, MD

(Sorry, no picture of myself right now - you'll have to settle for a picture of my son.)
I'm Emily, and I'm JSO with this photo business thing :)

I've always loved photography, thanks to my father (I still have his old 35 mm SLR and a beautiful large format rolleflex I never use). I took photo classes in high school and college, and I got my first DSLR in 2005. I mostly just used it to take pics of my 2 boys (4.5 and 16 months), but took the jump this summer to the pro side. I'm really enjoying it too! It's nice to have a creative outlet, some time away from my kids, and bring in a little extra $!
Feel free to visit my blog or my site! I'm really looking forward to this project!

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