Thursday, January 1, 2009

{Sarah Henderson Photography} NorthWest Florida Panhandle Photographer

Hi there! I'm Sarah Henderson a Photographer in the Pensacola FL area! I am a military wife to my hubby Brandon, a US Coast Guardsman, and lucky mommy to our two great kids! Our spunky littleman Garrett, 4 and our sweet and sassy baby girl Avery, 1! Photography has been a lifelong love/ passion for me. I have always enjoyed taking photos and in high school I was able to take two years of b/w film photography learning on my parents fully manual Pentax SLR! Although I think there's nothing like processing your own film and prints and seeing your images develop, I do enjoy the digital aspect just as much as film. Processing images in Photoshop is an art in and of itself! I am now a self proclaimed "Canon Girl". My weapon of choice is a 40D accompanied by various lenses! I am a natural light lover and prefer it (but I do have a portable studio set up for studio shots.)
This summer, After a lot of encouragement and support from my family and one big "Go get 'em girl!" from my momma, I officially opened for business and I am enjoying doing what I love! I think that about sums me up for now! I am really excited to be apart of this venture and overjoyed to be surrounded by such talented photographers! I look forward to being inspired and doing my best to inspire! You can take a peek at my work on my website or on my blog! Here's to a wonderful NEW YEAR full of new and fresh things!

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